Showing 493–504 of 593 results

  • Ramacham Batch Brush


    Quos illo pariatur illo atque. Vel incidunt quas impedit nobis nihil. Et neque repudiandae asperiores quibusdam. Voluptas consequatur perspiciatis rem delectus ut ut. Commodi doloribus pariatur harum et a adipisci.

    Et fuga necessitatibus qui aut. Temporibus ut velit et nulla. Recusandae libero sequi aut eius rem et non. Ex est commodi sint et est qui.

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  • Ramacham Bath Brush


    It has a cooling effect, immune-modulatory, digestive and regulates menstruation.
    These roots can be used as a natural remedy for headaches, ulcers, burning sensations and blood related diseases.

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  • Ramacham Soap 100 gm (In Palm Pack)


    Ramacham Soap
    Ramacham Soap is good for skin scar removal and skin toning. It is an antiseptic and is effective in preventing acne. Regular use prevents blackheads. It has very strong anti-inflammatory and anti-bacterial properties.

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  • Red Sandal Wood Powder 50 gm


    Applying Red Sandalwood powder mixed with honey or rose water helps manage acne and scars due to its anti-inflammatory and healing properties. As per Ayurveda, Applying Red Sandalwood paste on the wound helps in wound healing due to its Ropan (healing) property.

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  • Rose Gulkant 200 gm


    Improves memory and eyesight.
    Helps in the process of digestion.
    Relieves lethargy, itching, inflammation and redness.
    Removes toxins and purifies the blood.
    Aids in relieving constipation, acidity, gastritis and indigestion.

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  • Rose Gulkant 400 gm


    Improves memory and eyesight.
    Helps in the process of digestion.
    Relieves lethargy, itching, inflammation and redness.
    Removes toxins and purifies the blood.
    Aids in relieving constipation, acidity, gastritis and indigestion.

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  • Rose Water 500 m.l


    Quos illo pariatur illo atque. Vel incidunt quas impedit nobis nihil. Et neque repudiandae asperiores quibusdam. Voluptas consequatur perspiciatis rem delectus ut ut. Commodi doloribus pariatur harum et a adipisci.

    Et fuga necessitatibus qui aut. Temporibus ut velit et nulla. Recusandae libero sequi aut eius rem et non. Ex est commodi sint et est qui.

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  • Rose water 100 m.l


    Quos illo pariatur illo atque. Vel incidunt quas impedit nobis nihil. Et neque repudiandae asperiores quibusdam. Voluptas consequatur perspiciatis rem delectus ut ut. Commodi doloribus pariatur harum et a adipisci.

    Et fuga necessitatibus qui aut. Temporibus ut velit et nulla. Recusandae libero sequi aut eius rem et non. Ex est commodi sint et est qui.

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  • Saffron Almond Oil 60 m.l


    ☛ It is 100% Natural and Pure.
    ☛ The massage with the saffron-infused oil will improve circulation to be the skin and give it a beautiful glow.
    ☛ Massaging will also help the nourishing fatty acids from the oil to get absorbed easily into the skin.
    ☛ It repairs skin by penetrating deep into the skin to hydrate and brighten
    ☛ It help to reduce pigmentation and fine lines Saffron and Sweet almond oil have been used for centuries to improve skin and complexion.
    ☛ Almond oil makes a highly effective natural skin moisturizer while Indian and Ayurvedic medicine links saffron to lightening complexion.

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  • Saffron Almond Oil 100 m.l


    ☛ It is 100% Natural and Pure.
    ☛ The massage with the saffron-infused oil will improve circulation to be the skin and give it a beautiful glow.
    ☛ Massaging will also help the nourishing fatty acids from the oil to get absorbed easily into the skin.
    ☛ It repairs skin by penetrating deep into the skin to hydrate and brighten
    ☛ It help to reduce pigmentation and fine lines Saffron and Sweet almond oil have been used for centuries to improve skin and complexion.
    ☛ Almond oil makes a highly effective natural skin moisturizer while Indian and Ayurvedic medicine links saffron to lightening complexion.

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  • Saffron Almond Oil 100 ml


    It makes skin soft and smooth.
    It help to reduce pigmentation and fine lines Saffron and Sweet almond oil have been used for centuries to improve skin and complexion.Almond oil makes a highly effective natural skin moisturizer while Indian and Ayurvedic medicine links saffron to lightening complexion.

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